
Coming out to family

Coming out to family is not a joke for any one..and it's a milestone one should achieve to enjoy the journey of women-hood..

Coming out to the family that you are a crossdresser is the most common question I used to get on Social media. Today I would like to share my experience of coming out to my family with you all but before that, I would like to mention one point, there is no concept called One Size fits for All as far as coming out is concerned. So, knowing others coming out experience won’t help us much as everyone is having a different family background,s and bonding with their parents and siblings can be unique to them. So my suggestion to the budding crossdressers is not to come out to your family that you are a crossdresser because at the end of the day you may lose more than you gain. Anyway, you are not going to live your life as a girl for the rest of your life then there is no point in sharing it with others.

You might get a doubt here, why Meghana is saying all this when she came out with her family why she is saying no need to come out with friends and family. So, in my situation, I really have wonderful and caring parents and I always have the freedom to open up right from my childhood. I never kept my self any secrets from my parents as they used to create a guilt feeling in me. So, in my teens, I used to share my attraction towards my girls in the class and all with my father and I have that much freedom to express everything with my parents. Even then also I never shared this crossdressing with my parents as I never experienced this much in my childhood and in my early teens. Even my experiences in the dance class my parents only knew that I am going to learn classical dance but they are not aware that I was learning Bhama Kalapam. I thought of giving them a surprise one day while giving a performance but unfortunately, that day never turned up in my life.

There is nothing in this world if your mother supports you....Even though she may worry about you but eventually she will support you..May be that is called unconditional love.

So, time passed by after my graduation my father passed away and I was with my mother and those were the very tough times one has to go through when your dear ones physically no longer are with you. One day I told my Mom that I love to wear women’s clothes and get ready like a woman and for a few minutes she didn’t utter a single word. Then I told her that during my dance class I used to wear the dress and explained to her how my friend's mom supported me and all. She said that is fine and she and my dad somehow sensed me that I like to dress up and that statement really shocked me as I never ever showed any interest in dressing up in front of them in my whole life till then.

I never tried my Mom’s (or any other family member’s ) clothes with her knowledge.For most of us, the feeling of dressing up is a way of expressing more beautiful but in my case it is different. Right from my childhood one dream used to haunt me like anything. Some little girl in my dream used to call me Anna(elder brother) and follow my where ever I go. As I grew up my so-called little sister in my dream also grew up along with me. I never told about this dream of my parents until the day I came out to my mom. Because when I dress up and saw myself for the first time in the mirror I saw my little sister in my dreams. This sounds very cinematic to the ones who are reading this but I think I don’t need to prove to anybody that it is true.

Then whatever my Mom told really shook me to the core. When I was three years old and my Mom got pregnant and my parents decided to go for an abortion as those were financially tough times my parents were going through. It was my Mom’s decision back then and she still regrets that. Till that date, she never told me that. Then I realized the one who was chasing me in my dreams is none other than my little sister and I can see in myself whenever I dress up. This could be one of the reasons I never like to dress up like a hot chic and try to be myself more traditional women. So, sorry friends even though so many people used to ask me about the story of coming out to the family I never used to share with you guys as this may seem very illogical to you all. I will share coming out to my wife in another article…

P.S: My eyes are becoming wet while writing this blog and tears are rolling on my cheeks and this one is a very emotional post for me…
All the blog posts are real incidents that happened to me. I may take the freedom to change the names of the characters for the sake of privacy and will try to post the content as it happened.
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